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With the onset of summer comes many wonderful things. Swimming, sunning, watermelon, neighbors taking their arguments to the back deck so the whole street can listen in and pass judgment on what Todd said to Jill and whether or not he should be welcome at the Independence Day barbecue. Sweet summer living. For many women, […]
Continue ReadingThe waxing information you really want to know
Tips for better brows
Regardless of some of the things we’ve admitted to over the months, we are not impolite, embarrassing people. There is not a rude bone in our body. However, we do have to come clean and tell you that there are multiple instances in every day of our lives when we have to stop ourselves from […]
Continue ReadingTips for better brows
Dealing with summer freckles
We all celebrate the summer sun in different ways. Some of us get into our summer uniform of a tank top and shorts, flip-flops and our most oversized sunglasses. Some of us crank up the AC in the car and cruise. And some people, namely our next door neighbors, introduce their glowing white beer bellies […]
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We don’t blame you if you’re rolling your eyes right now. It isn’t enough to slather approximately 1000 anti-aging products on your face, is it? Nope, of course not. Now you have to worry about keeping your hair looking youthful. Will it ever end? Probably not. Don’t shoot the messenger. Once you get over the […]
Continue ReadingDead Sea Premier’s Anti-aging for hair
Once you reach a certain age, say, anything older than 14, it can become onerous to keep up with the trends. Do people still say trends? We’ll just keep saying it, regardless. Being uncool is considered cool now. It might be, anyway. We’re ever so slightly over the age of 14 so we can’t be […]
Continue ReadingBeauty buzz words – what they mean, and what they mean to you
There’s a bit of a warm snap sweeping across most of the snow-ridden country, so you know what that means. Try on your bathing suit, put your parka back in storage, and throw those mittens in the incinerator, because we mistakenly think it’s spring! We can hardly be blamed for wishing a slight ease in […]
Continue ReadingDead Sea Premier beauty tips – products to ditch after winter

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