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Strange skin care ingredients that might just save your complexion We admit that we can be a little wary when it comes to unconventional ingredients in things. Have you ever had a green smoothie? Because we’ve had a green smoothie. Never again, no thank you. When it comes to strange ingredients in skin care, we’re […]

Avoid sodium for your skin
When it comes to the stuff that isn’t so good for us to eat, sodium can be one of the sneakiest buggers out there. It’s so easy to consume hundreds, even thousands of milligrams of sodium without even realizing it. And no, we don’t mean that in the had five drinks and woke up next […]

Exercise for anti-aging?
You don’t have to tell us twice that we should be getting more exercise. That’s because if you tell us once we will promptly begin ignoring you, so we won’t hear you say it a second time anyway. Jokes aside (because yes … we’re joking …) the latest research has found a new and compelling […]

The surprising new beauty trend

Tiny tricks for fighting acne
Acne can be an annoyance any time of the year, but it’s especially irritating in summer. Not only can it ruin a lot of carefree summer nights by being on your mind, but it’s just so quick to...