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Our Blog

Gluten and psoriasis: are they linked?
There are certain skin conditions that will cause a person to try almost anything to treat them, and psoriasis is definitely one of them. We’ve heard from psoriasis sufferers that have tried all manner of supplements, vitamins, and topically-applied craziness, all in the name of reducing or eliminating those irritating (and sometimes painful) patches. We’ve […]
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Help your skin survive allergy season
It just doesn’t seem fair that there are people in the world who get approximately 1.2 seconds to celebrate winter finally relinquishing its hold on our lives before pollen and other allergens start flying, rendering them sniffling, sneezing, puffy and red. If you struggle with allergy season, we’re going to do our best to pair […]
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Could wine and chocolate not be good for us after all?
Perhaps you heard the echo of a scream early in the morning last week. We didn’t mean to alarm you, but something horrible was happening. We were reading an article telling us that the latest research indicates that red wine and dark chocolate are not the super foods we have so erroneously been lead to […]
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Double-duty skin care and makeup products for summer
When warm weather finally hits, you probably find that you have better things to be doing than standing in front of your mirror layering products on your face. We hope, anyway. Not that we’re here to judge. Do note that we consider walking to the 7/11 for a sour cherry slurpee one of those “better […]
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Fight shine in the summertime
We don’t want to imply that we aren’t all delicate, delightful flowers in the summertime. We just want to casually point out that even the best of us tend to sweat like barnyard animals at times in the summer. Grimy, grunting barnyard animals. Hey, it’s just how summer goes. We’re all willing to cut each […]
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Need-to-know skin care tips
We all have the best of intentions when it comes to our skin care. We do all the research, we buy the best products, we follow application instructions to a T. And yet, despite all of these efforts, things still go wrong. Products get forgotten while traveling, routines slip for a variety of reasons, and […]
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