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Mistakes you might be making when you wash your face
No one appreciates being told they’re doing something wrong, even if learning to do that thing correctly would greatly improve our quality of life. If you don’t think that’s true then we suppose you’ve never been informed that your underwear is on backwards. And la-di-da for you. But the truth is that many women are making mistakes when it comes to washing their faces. We’d like to help rectify that situation posthaste.
Mistake #1: washing just your face
No, we’re not going to tell you to wash your neck. If you want to, have at it, but what we want to make sure you do is wash your hands before you wash your face. You might think that lathering up your mitts with your cleanser when you apply it to your face is sufficient, but ladies, it isn’t. The grime and bacteria that live on your hands between washings simply ends up delicately spattered across your face when you don’t do the pre-wash.
Mistake #2: not using a fresh washcloth
If you use a washcloth to aid in your cleansing and exfoliation, then the next time you see them on sale, grab seven. That will get you through a full week without doing any laundry. Washcloths are great tools for cleansing, but they trap all kinds of bacteria and dead skin cells, and they’ll hang in there even through a vigorous rinsing. Treat yourself to a fresh washcloth every day.
Mistake #3: hot water
Hot water feels good. We know that. But that tight, dry feeling on your skin afterwards? Not so nice. The water you use for washing your skin should be between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Think lukewarm.
Mistake #4: not using a face wash
Believe it or not, but there are a lot of women out there that think what’s good enough for the armpits is good enough for the face. We have two things to say to that. Firstly, you’re doing it wrong. Secondly, we promise you that your skin is worth a great cleanser made specifically for the face. Premier Dead Sea’s Luxury Facial Cleanser with Micro Grains is more than refreshing, it’s therapeutic, thanks to its essential oils and Dead Sea minerals.