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There are certain skin conditions that will cause a person to try almost anything to treat them, and psoriasis is definitely one of them. We’ve heard from psoriasis sufferers that have tried all manner of supplements, vitamins, and topically-applied craziness, all in the name of reducing or eliminating those irritating (and sometimes painful) patches. We’ve heard of witch hazel being used, vegetable oil, glycerin, coal tar, zinc cream, and the list gets zanier from there.
Now with the latest psoriasis research that’s coming out, we have to ask: if you’re willing to do almost anything to treat your psoriasis, are you willing to give up bread?
The gluten and psoriasis connection
A 2010 study printed in the Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis found that psoriasis sufferers with the gene HLA CW6, a gene directly linked to psoriasis, also had a sensitivity to gluten. The latest research is positing that up to 25% of people with psoriasis may also have gluten sensitivity.
So is giving up gluten the answer?
Well, it could be one of the answers to the psoriasis problem. However, more research is required before doctors can say with certainty that gluten is or is not connected to psoriasis. Many doctors do report that patients who go on a gluten-free diet report major improvement in both skin condition and joint pain. Talk to your doctor about undergoing a blood test for Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity, or about going on a gluten elimination diet.
It’s important to remember that because psoriasis is a systemic issue, it’s going to be difficult for any one change – like going on a gluten-free diet – to treat the problem on its own. In order to both treat the skin topically and slow down and normalize your skin’s cellular reproduction, consider a treatment like Dead Sea Premier’s Psoricalm.