Ah yes, there’s nothing quite like carefully dabbing anti-aging products on your blemishes, is there? At least those pimples distract from the fine lines. That’s what we tell ourselves, anyway. While gently weeping…

It doesn’t seem fair to be dealing with acne at an age where you’re also worrying about aging, but truth be told, it doesn’t seem fair to be dealing with acne ever. Consider if these behavioral culprits could be behind your skin troubles.

Being a Chatty Cathy

Have you ever noticed that your phone looks a little, ah, disgusting when you’ve been talking on it for a long time? Smeared with makeup and skin oils and sweat? Consider what that must be doing to your pores. Not only is this stuff bad for your skin in the first place, but having it pressed against your skin makes it even worse. The same principle applies to resting your face in your hand.

Spraying perfume directly on your neck

Well, it’s not so much the neck-spraying that could be causing blemishes on your face. It’s when perfume is inadvertently sprayed on your face because it’s so close to your neck. The fragrance in perfumes and makeup has long been known to cause acne. In order to avoid having sweet-smelling blemishes, spray perfume on your wrists, and use your wrists to rub it on your neck.

Wearing non-natural fibers

We realize that you probably don’t wear a lot of clothing on your face. So that can only mean that, yes, we’re discussing the dreaded body acne. You probably don’t go to the gym wearing a lot of polyester, and that’s because polyester and other synthetic fabrics like lycra trap sweat and dead skin cells and rub them against your body. The same principle applies in everyday life. In order to combat this, wear as many natural fibers, like cotton, as you can. And since a complete closet overhaul probably isn’t in the cards, get yourself a great body wash like Dead Sea Premier’s Body Cream Wash for clean silky skin with nary a bump to be found.